Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekends used to be for relaxing

I remember the days when my hubby and I had no kids and we would just veg in front of the TV during the weekend in our PJ's and we would be able to able all the movies we wanted and we would be up to date with all the TV shows on DVD purchases. That seems like forever ago.

Things have been especially hard lately with our youngest being constantly sick these last few weeks. After just finishing his meds on Friday after a battle with pneumonia, I was awoken with a "Maaaaamannnnnnn" cry very early on Saturday morning. I was greeted with vomit all over his pillow, with him sitting straight up in his bed and waving his hands at me (who were also covered in throw up) and saying "Caca, caca". (my boy HATES being dirty). After changing the sheets and then sitting in the living room with him and our trusty puke bowl, he was sick a few more times before it was then changed to diarrhea. Fast forward to Sunday evening when both my husband and five year old daughter started to throw up, etc.

I find myself being so utterly exhausted on Mondays that it is almost impossible to get through my day at work.

Although I remember the days when relaxing and vegging around was part of our routine, I wouldn't trade my kids for anything. The rough patches are temporary and eventually everyone in the house will be healthy again and we will be able to have normal days and weekends again. Unfortunately the rough patches have been sticking around way too much for me lately and that rainbow seems so far away....