Thursday, December 07, 2006

5 Things People Don't Know About Me

Okay, so Giddy asked me to tackle this task on her blog and I must say, it isn't easy to do! Let's see...what can I tell people that they might not know about me?

1) I was born prematurely (my Mom had me at 28 weeks which is quite early and I am 100% healthy....quite amazing since I was born 32 years ago....). I spent 3 months in an incubator at the hospital.

2) I have 492 CDs (yup.... I just counted them....I didn't think I had that many!!! And that's not counting all of the ones I burned and downloaded from the internet...) I was going to count all of my movies, but I'm too tired- but the number is quite high as well....

3) I have never had a cavity. (Now that I have said that, I hope I haven't jinxed myself!!!)

4) It's no secret that I had braces to fix up my teeth, but did you know I got them twice???

5) I can't eat peaches without putting salt on them. Yummy! Go ahead and try it- I bet you're gonna love it too!

That was hard.......Did you learn anything new about me??

Friday, November 17, 2006

Passe Partout

The time has finally arrived - Passe Partout is coming out on DVD! Episodes 1 to 25 of Passe Partout will be available in a DVD box set at a reasonable price (under $40). I am so excited! Guess what my daughter will have under her Christmas tree this year????

My sister and I watched that show religiously every day. I think it even played twice a day (around 10 am and 4:30 pm?? I could be wrong...). I still remember some of the songs from the show:

"Brosse brosse brosse, j'me brosse les dents, celles dans arrière, celles dans avant....."

"Les poissons gigottes, les poissons barbottes, les poissons vivent dans l'eau....."

I can't wait!!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What About Brian

Do any of you watch the TV show "What About Brian?". It's a show that started last year for a few episodes and was picked up for a second season this year. It currently airs on ABC at 10:00pm and stars Barry Watson (from 7th Heaven fame- and a hottie!). The creator is JJ Abrams - the same guy that had created Felicity and Alias (two of my favorite shows). It is a really good show, and I urge you to take a peek....

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Reading Survey

I was tagged by a good friend of mine to complete this reading survey that has been making its rounds around several blogs. So, here I go..........

1) A book that changed your life: "Only Love is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited" by Brian L. Weiss, MD. This book really makes me believe in soulmates and destiny.

2) A book you've read more than once: I think I read "Tiger Eyes" by Judy Blume about 20 times. For some reason, there was something about it that made me read it over and over again.

3) A book you'd want on a desert island: I guess one of those "how to" books so that I can figure out how to get off that island!!

4) A book that made you giddy: The Gossip Girl books I am reading right now are hysterical!

5) A book you wish had been written: Does Julie Andrews have a biography out there? I would read that if it were available.

6) A book that wracked you with sobs: "A Time For Dancing" by Davida Wills Hurwin. My friend lent me this book and I remember crying a lot! A very emotional book and great story. Definitely a book to read when you are by yourself (not a book to read when you are on vacation with your family and they keep asking why you're crying....)

7) A book you wish had never been written: "My Sweet Audrina" by V.C. Andrews. I remember having a really difficult time reading it and had to start over and over again before I finally managed to get through the entire book.

8) A book you are currently reading: "What to Expect While you're Expecting"- for obvious reasons!!!!

9) A book you've been meaning to read: I really want to tackle "Down Came the Rain" by Brooke Sheilds. It's about postpartum depression. I didn't experience this after my first pregnancy but would like to read up on it in case it does happen after the birth of my second child.

10) Tag: Daisylixxx- you're next!!!!!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

What I did on my Summer Vacation

It has been a long time since I have posted a blog and I apologize for that. I went to Myrtle Beach with my family during the first two weeks of July and we had an amazing time. Here are just a few of the many things we did while we were there.....

Had a blast at the pavilion!!!! There was almost no one there that night and we barely waited at all to get on any of the rides so we definitely got our money's worth that night. I wasn't too keen on going on the roller coaster again (after I cried on it last year) and everyone made me go on it again - this time it was the first ride of the night!! Last year I had cried on the way up that first hill. This time I wasn't even sitting on the train yet and I was crying. Hey- I'm telling you: rides feel completely different after you have kids!!!!!! The best part of the night was finally going on the Hydro Surge. Every time we had gone to the pavilion in the past, this ride was always closed for some reason. Finally we got the chance to go on it. Except, we had no idea that we would have gotten soaked to the bone!!! The funniest part of the night was when my hubby got on one ride too many and threw up in the garbage can a few times. It was really funny! Too bad that he threw up the amazing steak dinner we ate at the LoneStar Grill....

We had a great idea of going to see the fireworks
at Broadway on the Beach on July 4th. (Broadway
at the Beach is my most favorite place
in Myrtle Beach- there is nothing else like it
anywhere else we have ever visited). As my
daughter had never seen fireworks before, we
figured it would be a great night out. Little did we know that my daughter HATES the fireworks!!!!! As soon as it started, she started saying "I wanna go home! I don't like fireworks!". She was also crying her eyes out. For the remainder of the week, I kept taking out that same outfit that she wore that night (as she had only had it on for barely 45 minutes) and she absolutely refused to put it on. Why you may ask? Because "That's for when we go to the fireworks."

We had an amazing 11 days straight of going to the beach, fantastic weather, and great company. Can't wait to go there again.... maybe next year???????

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jason Priestley / Brandon Walsh

Everyone who has known me for a long time knows that I was (and still am) a major Beverly Hills, 90210 fan. I was so in love with Jason Priestley and even now, when I see Jason on TV (it can be a TV movie, an interview, a commercial, a 90210 rerun, or whatever), I will stop and stare at the TV. You know what I mean? I have the same reaction when I see Jon Bon Jovi or Tom Cruise. Yes, I still like Tom after the whole TomKat ordeal, but that's a topic for another post... Back to Jason/Brandon.... Those who know me very well get the general idea.... I always loved the name Brandon and would love to name my son Brandon (if my hubby and I were to have a boy next- we already have a little girl). Alas, my hubby has already vetoed the name. I wonder why ;-) Hee Hee! And no, our girl is not named Kelly (but that would be pretty cool though because Brandon and Kelly were my all-time favorite couple on the show and I was REALLY upset when the characters didn't get married......

Time for a picture to reminisce... There, that's better!

I even had a Brandon poster that was given to me by an old boyfriend (for my b-day I think) and he had it laminated for my wall. One time I got the Brandon doll (like the Ken doll) for my b-day or x-mas (I can't remember anymore). And I still have it! My little girl will eventually play with it when she is old enough to play with Barbies... That's how much I was (and still am) a Jason Priestley fan!

Imagine my surprise when I finally found Jason Priestley's Official Website!!! It hasn't been up and running yet for very long, but I find it very cool because he seems to have done most of it himself. He even has a spot where we can read upcoming blogs (I imagine he will most probably post something very soon in the wake of Aaron Spelling's death...). I urge all of you 90210 fans to check out his website and go to the Beverly Hills 90210 Trivia game and see if you can beat my score!!!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Save Screech's House!

Don't ask me how I found this site. I actually stumbled upon it accidentally and was like "WHOA!" when I checked it out!

I don't have any idea if it's actually true, but it is quite an interesting site.

Happy reading!

Stars are Blind

Why is it that certain people who are literally born into the limelight feel the need to record a CD? Paris Hilton? Are you reading this? I heard your song on the mix the other day. I hope you got the copyrights to that UB40 song from the late 80s. It sounds just like it except for different lyrics. And I just checked out your video online. Do you have to be frolicking around the beach with that guy? I don't get the relationship with the song, but whatever.

If anyone is interested, you can check out Paris Hilton's video for "Stars are Blind" on her website:

Monday, June 12, 2006

Still Listening to INXS.....

I was listening to Stabilo's new CD for a while. They opened up for INXS at the concert and were pretty good. Their songs often play on Mix 96. Anyhow, if you're interested, their website is:

But tonight, when I was driving back from doing groceries, I put back my INXS "Switch" CD again and had flashes of the concert in my head again. I managed to find a picture of JD on the internet from the Montreal show (HOORAY!!!!!!).

Here is JD singing the opening song of the concert: Suicide Blonde
Montreal Concert date: May 11th 2006 at the Bell Centre

Here is another pic I found which is pretty cool. It's not from the concert- but it's a great picture!!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

J.D.!! J.D.!!

I have been listening to my INXS CDs non stop since the INXS concert. Man- was it ever amazing! JD Fortune is soooooooooo hot! I truly enjoyed every minute of the show. I cannot wait to see them live again (if they ever come back to Montreal)..... I was so sad when Michael Hutchence had died because I was such a huge fan. J.D. has really filled in his shoes. Great job!

Bad News

I just found out that my friend's dad is in the hospital. He's been sick for 2 weeks and they don't know what's wrong. I am truly shocked! He seemed to be in such good shape. I guess you just never know when something will happen to you.

Friday, January 20, 2006


Never thought that I would start something like this. I guess there are firsts for everything!!

Not much to add for today. More to come.