Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Jason Priestley / Brandon Walsh

Everyone who has known me for a long time knows that I was (and still am) a major Beverly Hills, 90210 fan. I was so in love with Jason Priestley and even now, when I see Jason on TV (it can be a TV movie, an interview, a commercial, a 90210 rerun, or whatever), I will stop and stare at the TV. You know what I mean? I have the same reaction when I see Jon Bon Jovi or Tom Cruise. Yes, I still like Tom after the whole TomKat ordeal, but that's a topic for another post... Back to Jason/Brandon.... Those who know me very well get the general idea.... I always loved the name Brandon and would love to name my son Brandon (if my hubby and I were to have a boy next- we already have a little girl). Alas, my hubby has already vetoed the name. I wonder why ;-) Hee Hee! And no, our girl is not named Kelly (but that would be pretty cool though because Brandon and Kelly were my all-time favorite couple on the show and I was REALLY upset when the characters didn't get married......

Time for a picture to reminisce... There, that's better!

I even had a Brandon poster that was given to me by an old boyfriend (for my b-day I think) and he had it laminated for my wall. One time I got the Brandon doll (like the Ken doll) for my b-day or x-mas (I can't remember anymore). And I still have it! My little girl will eventually play with it when she is old enough to play with Barbies... That's how much I was (and still am) a Jason Priestley fan!

Imagine my surprise when I finally found Jason Priestley's Official Website!!! It hasn't been up and running yet for very long, but I find it very cool because he seems to have done most of it himself. He even has a spot where we can read upcoming blogs (I imagine he will most probably post something very soon in the wake of Aaron Spelling's death...). I urge all of you 90210 fans to check out his website and go to the Beverly Hills 90210 Trivia game and see if you can beat my score!!!!



Michelle King said...

Wow, even all these years after high school and beyond...your obsession knows no boundaries ;)

minou11 said...

Some things will never change..... ;-)