Friday, November 17, 2006

Passe Partout

The time has finally arrived - Passe Partout is coming out on DVD! Episodes 1 to 25 of Passe Partout will be available in a DVD box set at a reasonable price (under $40). I am so excited! Guess what my daughter will have under her Christmas tree this year????

My sister and I watched that show religiously every day. I think it even played twice a day (around 10 am and 4:30 pm?? I could be wrong...). I still remember some of the songs from the show:

"Brosse brosse brosse, j'me brosse les dents, celles dans arrière, celles dans avant....."

"Les poissons gigottes, les poissons barbottes, les poissons vivent dans l'eau....."

I can't wait!!!!


Daisylixxx said...

YES!! THAT'S FREAKIN' SWEET!!! ...don't forget Bedon Bedondaine :-))

Michelle King said...

OMG! Talk about a blast from the past. Boy, aren't we the totally bilingual group? ;) I can't believe what a great price it's being given.